Men’s, Womens, and Co-Ed Leagues Available!
Our league variety ensures there’s something for everyone, from the fresh-faced beginners to the seasoned pros. No partner? No problem!
Sign up as an individual and rotate through partners and opponents assisted by Vetta League Pro Staff. Weekly match play (90 mins each week)
Beginner League
Beginner Skill Level
Novice League
2.5 – 3.0 Skill Level
Intermediate Leagues
Low Intermediate
3.0 – 3.499 Skill Level
3.0 – 3.5 Skill Level
High Intermediate
3.5 + Skill Level
League Info
Challenger Ladder League
3.5 + Skill Level
- (Move up and down the ladder based on results
Premier Advanced Team League
4.0 + Skill Level
3.0 – 4.0 + Skill Level Players
Do I need a partner to register?
No partner? No problem! Sign up as an individual and rotate through partners and opponents assisted by Vetta League Pro Staff. Having issues registering, no problem, call the location you are trying to play at and a Vetta representative will be happy to assist you
What Equipment Do We Need?
Feel free to bring your own paddles and balls, or if you prefer, we have equipment ready for your event. Please ensure you wear closed-toe shoes and athletic attire when on the courts.
How many games are we guaranteed?
On average each night you will play between 4-6 games in our weekly play. Most league sessions run for 5-10 weeks.
What happens if I can’t make it to one of the league nights?
We understand things happen, players should send substitute players of similar skill level in their place on weeks they cannot attend. Should you need help finding a substitute visit our Vetta Pickleball Community page on facebook, Vetta players will be happy to fill in.
How are scores tracked?
All players at the end of a game will report their win/loss to the league monitor. The league monitor tracks total games won and total games lost, not the individual scores of each game. At the end of the session the top 3 players will receive medals.
I’m a beginner. Is there a league for me?
Yes! Super Rec Leagues are the place for you! Our Super Rec Leagues encourage learning, understanding of the scoring system, and development of fundamental skills and strategies through friendly competitive play.
What is a Round Robin League?
Round Robin play offers an exciting and inclusive playing experience for pickleball enthusiasts. Participants engage in a series of matches where they rotate through different partners and opponents at their own skill level.
What is a Ladder League?
In a ladder league, players will play competitive matches where they have the opportunity to move up or down courts to establish their ladder position. Thus the system encourages friendly competition and skill progression.