Respect the Refs Campaign

The St. Louis Sports Commission recently launched the Let ‘Em Play Initiative to promote respect for referees and to remind the community that referees are an integral part of a positive youth sports environment. Vetta Sports is committed to supporting this cause by providing a space that creates a positive experience for players, coaches, fans and referees – where unsportsmanlike behavior is not acceptable.

We would like to remind participants, coaches and fans that our referees deserve the utmost respect for providing a safe environment to play. We hope to help reinforce the message that:

 Players Play • Coaches Coach • Referees Ref • Parents/Fans Cheer.

Our referees are here to provide a service for our teams and we support their efforts. Help us promote good sportsmanship by taking the Let ‘Em Play Pledge! Click here to sign the pledge. To learn more about the Let ‘Em Play Initiative visit:

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